I’ve been wanting to start a blog for a while, but the major thing that has held me up is that I felt like my blog would need to have a theme and I had no idea what that theme would be. Well, a couple weeks ago I was reading the fourth Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants book (read before you judge!) when I came across a quotation from Oscar Wilde that I immediately KNEW would be my theme:
“One’s real life is so often the life that one does not lead.”
Now, I know that this quote can mean lots of different things, but here’s what it meant to me when I read it. The life that I lead is the life that others can see, basically comprising my words and my actions. But what others hear and see of me does not make the limits of my existence. I have so much more going on in my head that most people never hear or see. It is in my head where I believe my real life is. Now that I’ve put this thought into words, it sounds like I’m a crazy person who doesn’t know the difference between what is actually happening and what is happening in their head, but that’s not what I mean! I just mean that who I really am is evidenced more by my thoughts than my words or my actions (mainly due to my social ineptitude, haha). Anyway, so this blog is going to be an outlet for my “real life.” Sometimes it will be serious and sometimes it will be weird and sometimes it will be random, but it will always reflect my “real life.”
So join me as I embark on this new adventure called blogging. I just hope that it won’t be a complete disaster :) Also, if you keep reading my blog, then you’ll see that I use emoticons more than the average 23-year-old.
Quote of the Day: “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” –George Eliot (A 19th-century English novelist, for those of you who are literarily unaware.)