Thursday, November 24, 2011

Never Been Kissed

I watched the movie Never Been Kissed last night. I've seen this movie before, but only a couple times and a long time ago, so it was quite the surprise when I realized that Josie Gellar and I are the same person. Since I was 12 I've been told by many people that I look like Drew Barrymore, so here's a picture from the movie. You can judge for yourself.

Look! I even have the same hair now that Josie had when she was in high school the first time! (But I don't part my hair in the middle. Ew, gross.)

But looks are only the beginning of my and Josie's similarities. As is probably obvious by now, Josie and I are also alike in the titular way--we have both never been kissed. Here are the rest of the ways we are alike:
  1. We are both pretty shy and smart (if I do say so myself), the combination of which resulted in severe dorkiness in high school. (Luckily for me the popular kids weren't actively mean to me like they were to her, and I didn't have the scarring experience of being egged instead of going to the prom.)
  2. Josie and I both like to write and we LOVE Shakespeare! A man who can speak intelligently about Shakespeare makes us swoon (read: Mr. Coulson). 
  3. Josie and I are copy editors (well, I at least studied it in school). 
  4. We like to correct other people's grammar, though I can control the urge to correct better than she does. We notice when people use "hopefully" to modify an entire sentence or confuse the prefixes "inter-" and "intra-."
  5. We tend to be a little uptight and controlling, as is evidenced by some OCD-like tendencies.
  6. We cross-stitch, though I haven't done it since I was 12.
  7. We are also both great romantics. We believe that when we meet the "one," we'll know.
 At first I was disturbed that I could be so similar to such a dorky- and sad-seeming person, but by the end of the movie Josie figures out how to be happy and proves to be quite an amazing person, so I'm actually really glad that we're so alike. Also, I'll happily be like her if that means I get a Mr. Coulson.

Things I'm thankful for (since it is Thanksgiving, after all): my family, my friends, today's Texas weather, Mr. Coulson, libraries, books, Christmas, the end of the semester, visiting Victoria in Hawaii in a couple weeks, Zac Efron, my grandma, my faith, Michael Buble, and Thanksgiving feasts.


  1. I totally blogged about this same thing a few months ago. But I think we are cooler in person than Josie is, at least at the opening of the movie.

  2. I love you, Amy. This is great. You'll get your kiss soon enough :D

  3. Haha, Whitney. We are DEFINITELY cooler than Josie is at the beginning of the movie.

    And Lindsey, thanks!

  4. Hahaha! I just found your blog and am now a subscriber! :)

    Two things:
    1. I have only known one man who could intelligently discuss Shakespeare; it was my college Shakespeare professor. :/
    2. I was just talking to Brittini this week about all the wonderful girls in the ward, and she said she thought you were so awesome. She said if she were a guy, she'd ask you out. :)
